Game: Super Toy Cars
Platform: PC, PS4, Switch, Wii U, XBox One
Publisher: Eclipse Games
Release Date: 24/07/2014
Super Toy Cars is a fun take on the miniature combat racing genre with its bright and vibrant colours and its general vomit-inducing levels of cuteness.
We explore the game in our overview video taking a look at the various game modes and vehicles so you can get a good idea of what to expect should you wish to purchase the digital racer. We first run through the different vehicles on offer which has examples based off of real-world counterparts such as the Volkswagen Camper Van and Beetle and also we can spot a Renault 5-esque offering alongside a Caterham among others.
We then check out the upgrades which include a number of different areas including engine, turbo and weight reduction however these upgrades sadly do not drastically alter the performance of the vehicles which seems like a wasted opportunity. The Career Mode structure is the next focus with its eight tiers, each with 6 events bringing the total event number up to a reasonable 48.
Finally we explore the game’s five different modes including a full Evade Mode event to wrap up the coverage. You can view the Super Toy Cars overview video below.
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