FAST Racing NEO may receive expanded content next year - Team VVV

News FAST Racing NEO may receive expanded content next year


Kevin Dooley


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FAST Racing NEO's launch has proved to be very successful, even out doing the development team's expectations.

The title, which is often compared to the likes of F-Zero and Wipeout (which probably annoys the development team if truth be told), actually has its own unique gameplay mechanics which does a solid job of carving out FAST Racing NEO an identity all of its own.

Talking with NintendoLife recently, Shin'en Multimedia's Manfred Linzner strongly hinted at the possibility of content expansions for the futuristic Nintendo Wii U racer. When asked if Shin'en are planning any expansions for FAST Racing NEO, Linzner answered:

There are already some FRN improvements planned along with fixes. Detailed plans for FRN's future will be made next year.

We also started working on some new game prototypes, like we always do.

So it's probably fair to say the future is bright for FAST Racing NEO fans. As is the future of Shin'en Multimedia as FAST Racing NEO exceeded the vast majority of the development team's expectations save for just one guy who got the sales figures pretty much spot on, Linzner explains:

We had a bet running in the company on how many copies would be sold on day one. Martin [Sauter, Art Director] called the highest number. And he was right. It was almost exactly the number he predicted. We are very pleased with the sales so far, but on the other side our preceding investment was very high as well. Anyway, currently it looks pretty bright for the sales.

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