Dreamworks to release Need for Speed film in 2014 - Team VVV

News Dreamworks to release Need for Speed film in 2014


Martin Bigg


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Game: Need for Speed

Platform: PC, PS4, XBox One

Publisher: Electronic Arts

Release Date: 03/11/2015

We already knew it was in the pipeline, but it's now official: a film adapation of Need for Speed is coming, but we now know the project will be backed by Dreamworks for a 2014 release, with production starting next year. 

The film is being written by brothers George (She's Out of My League) and John Gatins (Dreamer, Real Steel, Flight), and directed by Act of Valor's Scott Waugh, who, as we found out last month, was previously the president of Stunts Unlimited whose stunt credits include Bad Boys II, Speed, Talladega Nights and XXX. 

EA described Need for Speed's theatrical debut as a "fast-paced, high-octane film rooted in the tradition of the great car culture films of the 70s while being extremely faithful to the spirit of the video game franchise. The cars are hot, the racing is intense and the story keeps players at the edge of their seat." It will not be based on a particular game in the franchise, however, so whether or not it will reference to The Run's Cannonball Run-esque premise remains to be seen. 

Hopefully this means the film will take its inspirations from the likes of Gone in 60 Seconds, Vanishing Point and Two Lane Backdrop, but with Scott's hyperactive directing style we're more inclined to believe a cross between The Fast and Furious and a Michael Bay boom-smash-boom fest.  

EA executive Patrick Soderlund commented: "It's fantastic to be working with a team that shares not only our love of cars, but also our passion for creating blockbuster action experiences. This collaboration will be greatly enhanced with the team at DreamWorks – which is a great home for the Need for Speed franchise."

Meanwhile, Spielberg said: "I'm excited about getting back into the creative trenches with John and George Gatins and my partners at EA to bring to life an exhilarating script based on an epic video game that seems to have been made for the movies."

What are your thoughts now that the Need for Speed film is official? Will it capture the success of the original street racing Fast and Furious films or crash and burn like most video game film adaptations tend to do? Leave us a comment below or comment on our Facebook page

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