Since its launch last week, EA Ghost Game's Need for Speed reboot has received mixed reviews to say the least, with critics citing its empty environments, sloppy handling and blatent AI rubber banding as its main drawbacks despite its pretty exterior.
>We'll be delivering our own verdict in due course, but EA Ghost Games has announced a forthcoming update will be released later this month to address some of Need for Speed's common criticisms.
Perhaps the most notable fix the update will bring is tweaks to the AI rubber banding, in which AI opponents miraculously catch up with you during races.
"We have been reading your feedback over the launch period, alongside media reviews and taking stock," an official blog post reads. "One of the big talking points that we’ve seen has been ‘rubber banding’ or ‘AI Catchup’. Taking this feedback on board, the work is already underway to balance the AI, and this will be live alongside the first Living Game update."
Elsewhere, the inaugural update, which Ghost Games are dubbing the first "Living Game update," will add more car customisation options with the introduction of neons.
Here's the complete list of changes planned for the first update:
- More balanced ‘AI Catch Up’
- New Wrap Editor features:
- Mirror functionality
- Improved colour picker
- Hoonicorn and Morohoshi-San Diablo
- Gifted upon completion of their respective narrative threads
- First look at neons
- Early in development version on Morohoshi-San’s Diablo
- REP increase 50-60
- 3x Trophies & Achievements
- New daily challenges
- x30 new pre-set wraps
- General bugs, tweaks and improvements
What would you like to see improved in Need For Speed?
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