Kaz: 4K is enough, I’m more interested in 120fps or 240fps - Team VVV

News Kaz: 4K is enough, I’m more interested in 120fps or 240fps


Kevin Dooley


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Gran Turismo Producer Kazunori Yamauchi recently conducted an interview with Powerup Gaming where he revealed some interesting tidbits on the potential future of the Gran Turismo series.

Gran Turismo titles never disappoint in the visuals department, developer Polyphony always strives for realism and never fail to drop our jaws. However, when asked about resolution, Yamauchi shifted the conversation towards an area of console gaming which we feel is all too often not the priority: framerate.

Rather than a spatial resolution…I’m more interested in the advancements we can make in terms of the time resolution.”

4K resolution is enough“, admits Yamauchi. “But in terms of frames per second, rather than staying at 60 fps, I’m more interested in raising it to 120 fps or even 240 fps. I think that’s what’s going to be changing the experience from here on forward.”

We certainly agree with Yamauchi’s sentiments as we’re a long way off 8K TVs being the standard, plus how many of us will be able to discern any noticeable differences between a 4K and an 8K TV?

Yamauchi recognises the incredible leaps in visuals we’ve seen with older console generations but concedes the days of truly big visual jumps are gone.

Hardware has come to a point where our computing ability has kind of matured. Going from PS One to PS2 there was a hundred times the performance difference between the two console generations. But an advancement like that is no longer possible.”

Although underwhelming, Gran Turismo Sport‘s VR mode gives us a glimpse at the possibility of a fully-fledged virtual Gran Turismo experience which is a mouth-watering prospect. Yamauchi touches on his interest in the medium for future endeavours.

I really do believe in VR and the future possibilities of that technology. We will continue to develop that.”

Currently, there are rumours of a Gran Turismo launch title for the PlayStation 5, although with so many rumours floating about lately it’s hard to know which hold any weight so its best to take that with a heavy dose of scepticism. One thing’s for sure, with no numbered Gran Turismo title launching this generation, we’re hungry for the next instalment – oh and make it fully VR please, thanks.





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