AtariSteering wheel compatible
SimBin, Sector 3 StudiosUK Release Date
17/02/2009Our Review
Race Pro is a fantastic racing simulator and a thoroughly enjoyable racing experience, and though more forgiving than its PC counterpart this provides without doubt the finest racing physics on the XB360. But the faults cannot be overlooked, despite the excellent gameplay at its core there are scores of bugs, simple options missed giving the package an incomplete and untested feel. This resulting in an experience that’s rough around the edges and while we could let Simbin off for a whole host of budget restricting reasons it’s important to the future of the franchise that these are addressed an acknowledged. All considered this leaves Race Pro a flawed masterpiece, not without merit but surely this is only the beginning and we look forward keenly to future developments.
As we all know the racing genre is ever expanding in its importance to any modern console. Strange then that it’s taken over 3 years of the Xbox 360’s life before we finally see a racing simulator that directly appeals to the hardcore market. A whole section of the said market which has been missed […]