Last week, our review of Need for Speed: Most Wanted was published on this very website, which prompted VVV's resident chief Alan Boiston to take it out for a spin to see what all the fuss was about.
It seems he wasn't quite as enamoured with the game as I was, however, finding fault with the lack of cockpit camera, an unplayably low bumper view and a lackluster environment amongst a whole host of other issues.
I still stand by my own views of Most Wanted of course, but I'll admit it's not a flawless game and did indeed concur with many of Alan's criticisms in my review. The fact remains that Criterion's decision to leave the majority of the game unlocked made it feel too unstructured and aimless, and some fans of the original Most Wanted will inevitibly compare Criterion's work and come out disappointed.
Despite its universal praise with critics, it seems that Need for Speed: Most Wanted has garnered a more polarising reception with the community. What say you dear reader? Leave us a comment below, on our Facebook page or join in the discussion in our Need for Speed: Most Wanted forum thread.