We're huge fans of Wipeout (or should that be WipEout?) here at Team VVV and so become more and more frustrated as year after year goes by without any whisperings of a new version of the anti-gravity racer.
However things may be about to change. According to GamingBolt, an “industry insider”, known as shinobi602 on NeoGAF, has (in a roundabout fashion) confirmed the existence of an upcoming Wipeout title.
Shinobi responded “Something that's real can't be debunked silly” to a fellow NeoGAF user who mentioned a possible Wipeout title may be in the works but feared it may have been debunked.
We haven't had a Wipeout title since the release of Wipeout 2048 on the PlayStation Vita. For a full console release you have to go back even further to 2008's superb Wipeout HD (which was followed by the Fury expansion in 2009) released on the PlayStation 3.
We'll do our best to keep you guys updated on the very latest Wipeout murmurings as this comes as very exciting news to us. Why not let us know how badly you are waiting on a new Wipeout title, also which version your favourite?