The third installment of the MXGP series will shake things up with the newly added dynamic weather and visuals and sound which are better than ever thanks to the dev team utilising the Unreal Engine 4 for the first time.
We recently got some hands-on time with the official Motocross title and decide to share with you some unedited gameplay footage along with our impressions and thoughts on the various improvements from MXGP 2.
Straight away, you'll notice the visual enhancements that using the Unreal Engine 4 brings. The ground deformation and texture resolution for instance are much improved from the last iteration and the particle effects are particularly pretty. In terms of bike handling, we found MXGP 3 to be tougher to get to grips with compared to earlier games in the series. MXGP 3 is not a pick up and play game: you'll need to spend some time with the title to learn the various nuances of the handling thanks to its increased depth.
As this is a work in progress version, many elements are still being tinkered with including the bike handling. We fall off our bike a fair amount, however the developer has assured us that this will not be the case when the game releases on May 12 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC platforms.
You can check out the preview footage of MXGP 3 below.