The second half of the F1 season kicked off with a bang yesterday and with just weeks to go till the Sochi Grand Prix we see the first footage of a full lap at the hands of reigning World Champion Sebastian Vettel. First impressions are of a high speed layout with a mix of elements seen in other circuits; however the question will be whether the circuit offers good opportunity for overtaking and if the visual spectacle is too repetitive, aspects of this course looking uncomfortably close to the Valencia at this early stage.
So as a race track the jury is still out but this video certainly looks promising, however with the political situation in Eastern Europe being so volatile, should the GP be going ahead at all? If second stage sanctions go ahead it would certainly put on additional political pressure and with visas plus access being restricted it will be huge logistical challenge for the teams to attend, not only the fans.
One party that will have their fingers crossed is Codemasters, having used an all be it subtle image from the Sochi circuit on the cover of their F1 2014 game and with the circuit being one of the key new elements to be revealed in the package, cancellation of the race could be a disaster.
But for now, enjoy Seb going for a lap with a few handy drifts along the way.