Dre TV - Goodbye Marussia (F1 2014) - Team VVV

News Dre TV – Goodbye Marussia (F1 2014)


Hey folks, Dre here, and welcome to Dre TV. In this series, I play a range of Racing games will talking over some real life Motorsport news. In this partticular episode, I talk about the sad collapse of Marussia's F1 team, from their bright moments, such as their first points back in Monaco 2014, top the horrible tradgies they've suffered in their short history, such as the tragic passing of test driver Maria de Villota, and the horrific accident that Jules Bianchi suffered just a few short months ago in Suzuka.

If you wish to catch every episode of Dre TV as its uploaded, feel free to Subscribe to my channel at http://www.youtube.com/Harrison101HD 

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