Targem Games’ isometric racer BlazeRush is now available to download for free on the PlayStation 3 for PlayStation Plus subscribers.
The racer features two main modes: the offline career and the online multiplayer tournament modes. The career mode will see you competing in a number of different events such as standard 3 lap races, time trials, king of the hill, and my personal favourite, the death races.
Death races play out with players chased down by a giant spiked roller which keeps the action flowing fast as you can probably imagine. In the career mode you are tasked to climb the different tiers which culminate with a boss battle (which I found to be particularly brutal!).
We reviewed the PlayStation 4 version of BlazeRush which suffered from online problems at the time which made getting an online game almost impossible. When we did manage to get on, the experience was less than stellar with frame rate drops and warping.
Hopefully the PlayStation 3 version will have remedied this and will benefit from an influx of new players making the prospect of getting a game much easier. Let us know in the comments if you’ve played the title and how you are getting on with it.