The PlayStation VR headset launches today - Team VVV

News The PlayStation VR headset launches today


Kevin Dooley


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The time has actually arrived, the PlayStation VR headset is available as of today and could well mark the start of a true gaming revolution.

playstation vr headset psvr virtual realityThe PlayStation VR follows in the footsteps of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive headsets, however unlike those two products the PlayStation VR is very much a budget entry level piece of VR technology which doesn't require a hefty PC to run.

Because of this the PlayStation VR has the potential to be in the hands of the masses which will truly cement the arrival and hopefully a long stay for the VR medium in gaming.

Needless to say, we are big fans of VR here at Team VVV (we all have our PlayStation VR headsets ready and waiting), and recognise the particularly amazing marriage that VR and the racing genre could well experience.

Indeed you could say that VR was made for the racing genre because you are in a seated position when you drive in real life which is mimicked by the VR headset. Throw in a racing wheel to the equation and you have an extra element of immersion which other games simply cannot match.

The PlayStation VR will launch with a lineup of first and third-party games including  EVE: Valkyrie (CCP Games),  Thumper (Drool),  100ft Robot Golf (NoGoblin), JobSimulator (Owlchemy Games),  Superhypercube (Polytron), Battlezone (Rebellion),  Eagle Flight (Ubisoft),  Here They Lie, PlayStation VR WORLDS  and  Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (SIE WWS).

Impressively more than 230 developers and publishers are on board and currently working on PS VR titles, so we can expect the sheer amount and variety of games to expand tremendously.

Sadly only one racing title makes it to the PlayStation VR's launch line up but as it is Driveclub I'm sure that will keep us occupied long enough until the next title emerges. We were lucky enough to get our hands on Driveclub VR which you can read about in our preview.

Of course you don't have to purchase Driveclub VR to experience the title as it will be included along with with seven other titles in the PlayStation VR demo disc which comes bundled with the headset.

We'll be covering VR racing titles on the channel in due course and we will also no doubt share our opinions on the PlayStation VR headset with a future podcast. Let us know in the comments if you have taken the plunge and purchased a VR headset already or if you plan to in the near future.

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