Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo vs real life San Remo comparison - Team VVV

News Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo vs real life San Remo comparison


Kevin Dooley


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Game: Sébastien Loeb Rally Evo

Platform: PC, PS4, XBox One

Publisher: Milestone S.r.l

Release Date: 29/01/2016

Milestone, the developers of the upcoming Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo have released a comparison video which shows the real vs in-game version of the San Remo rally stage.

The video (seen below) showcases many of the San Remo rally stage's buildings and environmental features which have been passionately recreated in Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo for some impressive results.

It's actually refreshing seeing stages based on real-life counterparts as often rally games will feature stages which are very loosely based off of the real thing with some roughly correct scenery. It's good that Milestone are now finally taking it that one step further, at least on some of the stages anyway. Check out the comparison video below.

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