Driveclub got just a little prettier with the last update - Team VVV

News Driveclub got just a little prettier with the last update


Kevin Dooley


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Game: Drive Club

Platform: PS4

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Release Date: 07/10/2014

Driveclub had a very slight graphical enhancement in its recent update but it was so minor you would be completely forgiven for not noticing it.

Driveclub's Game Director Paul Rustchynsky has shed some light on the recent graphics update which funnily enough involves light or more specifically shadows. The recent Driveclub update trialed the new “self-shadowing” technique as seen below.

Rustchynsky recently answered a fan who asked how hard does Driveclub push the Playstation 4 by saying “There is still plenty we can do. We've learned a lot about the hardware since launch". With the new SSPOM in testing phase I'd say Evolution Studios have been busy trying to squeeze more out of Sony's console and who knows what they've got up their sleeves for future titles.

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